Eamcet Rank Estimator Rank Predictor (Engineering & Medical)

Eamcet Marks (Max: 160)

Inter (IPE) Marks (Max: 600)

Mobile Number

Stream MPC / BiPC



How Eamcet/EAPCET Rank Estimator / Eamcet/EAPCET EAPCET Rank Predictor Useful?

This Eamcet Rank Estimator useful for Eamcet aspirants before appearing to eamcet exam or declaration of results, students will get an idea about the estimated rank in eamcet with their intermediate score (25%) + estimated eamcet marks (75%).

To get admission into preffered colleges, students need to get ranks below the cutoff ranks of the preffered college and course, so students will prepare to get the required eamcet marks.

Inter Group Marks:

MPC ( Maths 1A+1B+2A+2B + Physics I year+ II year + Chemistry I year + II year )

Bipc (All Subjects I year and II year totals - Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry)

Waiting for your EAMCET/EAPCET Ranks? How to calculate Eamcet/EAPCET rank?

  • We are trying to provide 100% accurate EAMCET ranks
  • Eamcet marks percentage - 75%
  • Inter IPE marks percentage - 25%
  • Based on your expected EAMCET previous years Score and Intermediate marks weightage
  • All Ranks based on Reservation ( OC, SC, ST, BC Caste Categories )
  • Estimator tool combined with previous year Eamcet ranks and marks

Eamcet/EAPCET marks calculation with inter and EAPCET marks weightage:

[(Intermediate Weightage / Inter Total Marks) x Inter Group Marks ]
+ [(EAPCET weightage / EAPCET total Marks) x Marks Scored in EAPCET)]

After entering the eamcet marks & Intermediate marks Please click the displayed urls to get the rank estimator reservation wise links. Click on the selected reservation to dispaly the estimated Eamcet Ranks by our estimator.

Tags: EAPCET Rank Estimator, Rank predictor, Estimator, Engineering Rank Estimator, Medical Rank Estimator, EAPCET Rank Analysis, Marks Analysis, Engineering Estimator, Medical Estimator, Eamcet EAPCET Ranks vs Marks, TSEAPCET, APEAPCET, EAPCET 2025

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