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Courses Included

B.Pharmacy - MPC Stream
B.Pharmacy - BiPC Stream
Pharma.D- MPC Stream
Pharma.D- BiPC Stream

Castes Included:

OC - Boys / Girls
SC - Boys / Girls
ST - Boys / Girls
BCA - Boys / Girls
BCB - Boys / Girls
BCC - Boys / Girls
BCD - Boys / Girls
BCE - Boys / Girls

1. Last rank statement doesnot reflect the candidates admitted in special reservation categories like PH, NCC, Sports and Games, Children of Armed Personnel (CAP) seats, State wide colleges & Minority colleges.
2. Every care has been taken to present accurate information. The Ranks shown are at the end of Web Counseling process and does not indicate the dropouts or spot admissions.
3. The statement shall be used only for information to assess the mode of opting by candidates and shall in no way reflect the rank upto which seat can be allotted in the present academic year
4. the ranks indicated inclusive of the ranks allotted in respect of Consequential Vacancies arose at the final round of Allotment.

Mock Counseling | EAPCET Engineering | Pharma | ICET | PGECET | GATE
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