MBA-MCA Colleges Search - Rank wise AP ICET TS ICET

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ICET 2022 Marks vs Ranks Expected Ranks AP ICET TS ICET

Marks Expected Ranks
200-171 1 to 10
170-161 31 to 70
160-151 71 to 100
150-141 101 to 200
140-131 201 to 350
130-121 351 to 500
120-111 501 to 1000
110-101 1001 to 1500
100-91 1500 to 3000
90-81 3000 to 10000
80-71 10001 to 25000
70-61 25001 to 40000
60-51 40001 to 60000
50-41 60000 above

ICET 2022 Ranks Analysis AP ICET TS ICET

Students can check their expected icet ranks based on icet marks from the above table. These ranks analasied from the previous years icet ranks and marks. Students who belongs to oc has least chances to get qualified if icet marks above 50 marks. SC, ST, BC candidates have chances to get qualified if the icet marks below 50. For individual list of icet expected ranks below 100 marks are available at our icet website Visit the site to get complete ranks information.


Student who want to know the available seat allotment option in icet college can enter your rank selecte category and course to get the colleges information based on your icet rank. Mock counseling tool created based on previous year icet seat allotment details. We are trying to provide accurate information to students to get the seat availablity details.

ICET 2022 AP ICET TS ICET Courses Included

MBA - Masters in Business Administration
MCA - Masters in Computers Applications

ICET 2022 Castes Included

OC - Boys / Girls
SC - Boys / Girls
ST - Boys / Girls
BCA - Boys / Girls
BCB - Boys / Girls
BCC - Boys / Girls
BCD - Boys / Girls
BCE - Boys / Girls

1. Last rank statement doesnot reflect the candidates admitted in special reservation categories like PH, NCC, Sports and Games, Children of Armed Personnel (CAP) seats, State wide colleges & Minority colleges.
2. Every care has been taken to present accurate information. The Ranks shown are at the end of Web Counseling process and does not indicate the dropouts or spot admissions.
3. The statement shall be used only for information to assess the mode of opting by candidates and shall in no way reflect the rank upto which seat can be allotted in the present academic year
4. the ranks indicated inclusive of the ranks allotted in respect of Consequential Vacancies arose at the final round of Allotment.

Mock Counseling | EAPCET Engineering | Pharma | ICET | PGECET | GATE
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